Absher MMA

Shawn and Kevin Absher

Shawn and Kevin Absher pictured above

The Road to Success: Your Guide to Becoming a Successful MMA Fighter

MMA Requires Mental Toughness

MMA is a sport that requires a high level of mental resilience and toughness, making it a pursuit suited for individuals with a strong mindset.

What is MMA? More Than Just a Sport

Mixed martial arts (MMA) isn't just a test of physical strength, it's a journey of self-discovery and mental fortitude. It teaches us to push beyond perceived limitations, persevere through adversity, and cultivate unwavering self-belief.

The discipline, focus, and dedication required for MMA excellence translate into all aspects of life. It shapes you to be stronger, more resilient, and brimming with confidence.

Whether you're a beginner stepping onto the mats for the first time or a seasoned fighter preparing for your next challenge, remember: every strike, every takedown, every victory is a testament to your inner strength and unwavering spirit.

Keep pushing your limits, keep striving for excellence, and remember, with the heart of a fighter, the possibilities are endless.

Kevin and Forrest Griffin

Mental Toughness: The Key to Success

Mental toughness is the cornerstone of success in any endeavor, from athletics to business. It's the unwavering ability to stay focused, resilient, and persistent when faced with adversity, stress, and challenges.

Those with strong mental toughness excel at handling pressure, uncertainty, and setbacks. They maintain a positive attitude and motivation even when things get tough. They effectively manage their emotions and remain composed under pressure.

Developing mental toughness is a continuous process. Consistent training methods like mindfulness meditation, visualization, goal-setting, and exposure to challenging situations can significantly contribute to building this crucial trait.

- Shawn Absher

Overcoming Challenges: The Power of Perseverance

Kevin's Journey to Pro MMA

Turning dreams into reality requires a potent blend of unwavering perseverance and mental fortitude. This story exemplifies that perfectly. My brother, Kevin, a highly skilled athlete, approached me at 40 with a burning desire to become a professional MMA fighter.

I've always admired his exceptional achievements, so when he set this ambitious goal, I committed to supporting him fully, offering training, promotion, management, and everything he needed. However, there was one crucial condition: unwavering commitment and the mental toughness to see it through.

Within just six months of his amateur debut, I secured a professional match for him. Seeing him achieve his dream of becoming a professional MMA fighter was incredibly rewarding. This journey underscores a vital lesson: never let negativity or doubt from others hinder your progress. The ability to push forward despite challenges is a hallmark of mental toughness.

- Shawn Absher

Shawn and Kevin Absher with Tommy Morrison

Contact Absher MMA

Tomato, Shawn, Kevin, EJ Esau, Chris Shawn and Kevin Absher